Monday, June 30, 2014

Super Eagles gets knocked out of FIFA 2014 World cup.

   My day couldn't get worse! Spent the whole day on the/ in a place where there was little or no network reception, was drenched by the rain, got home and there was no light to view the match, finally Nigeria lost the match. *whew!*

 A lot of Nigerian's are experiencing a bad mood this evening, due to super Eagles performance against France. Lol! I know you all will snap out of that mood soon. My neighbours for example, couldn't wait for the game to be over before putting off their generator. I have seen the funniest pictures, and updates as regarding this match. If you ask me, I would say Super Eagles did well for even making it till this stage. Many of you didn't have hope in them from the beginning. So, you all be cheerful. It's a game, there must always be a winner and a looser.

 Atleast if Nigerian are not good in terms of football, we are good musically. Nigeria, great Nation!

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