Saturday, July 5, 2014

Question of the week: What is your addiction?

 A friend once asked me what my addiction is? I just couldn't lie that I am addicted to reading, because I am not. But as embarrassed as it sounds, I had to be honest and I said " apart from music, I think I am addicted to my phone." surprising? Yes! I can't go 3mins without pressing my phone. Unless I am extremely, I mean extremely busy. Not even when I am ill.

What I actually do pressing my phone is something I am yet to discover. Cos sometimes I just subconsciously swipe my fingers through my phone staring at nothing, only to realise after a while that I am touching my phone for no reason. Bottom line is, I am addicted to my phone!

I have heard a lot of people say they are addicted to reading books, some say they are addicted to eating junk food, some say they are $ex addicts, others are addicted to video games, and some say dr*gs.

I decided to put up this question here, so that as many of you that are willing to share your honest opinion, would drop a comment here, stating what your addiction is. I know some people may have funny addictions. It's Saturday, let's share the fun.   Wishing you all a lovely weekend!!!

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