Monday, August 25, 2014

Ooops! Jay-Z And Beyonce Got In A Messy Arguement, Back Stage @ MTV MVA.

All these media (tatafos), they won't just let Bey and Jay enjoy their perfect life in peace. First, fans slammed her for putting on a see through dress, and dancing on chairs and pole, in front of her little daughter.

Now, MTO claims that they heard from a very very reliable source, that Beyoncé and Jay Z had a fight off camera, after the romantic show they put up on stage. MTO also claims that Solange is still the cause of this fight. Lol!

I would love to believe that this is one of those many lies, but MediaTakeOut seem like they could swear on their job on this one.

Here is the full gist according to MediaTakeOut...

MediaTakeOut got the EXCLUSIVE DETAILS from one of our longtime snitches , who worked the VMAs, and is EXTREMELY RELIABLE. The insider who WORKED WITH THE SHOW explained,

"Beyonce had her whole area backstage. It was like 5 dressing rooms in one corner so there were no cameras and no one in there other than her people, and us [The MTV personnel]."

" And we're told that it was Beyonce's sister SOLANGE that caused the mess. According to our snitch Solange was 'BANNED' from entering the area, and Beyonce didn't know about it. It's not clear whether Solange's 'bannin' was a request made by Jay Z, or by MTV. But the insider explained, "Beyonce was arguing with security asking about Solange.I always thought that Beyonce was very soft spoken, she's not. She was all in the [security guard's] face."

 Jay z, we're told, then came by and tried to calm down Beyonce, The insider explained, "Jay tried to calm her down but she started yelling at him too. She wasn't really yelling, but she was talking mad. Her neck was twisting too, like she was giving him hell."

The insider ended, "Beyonce then walked away, and everyone was quiet. It was very awkward to see Bey act like that towards her husband."


  1. that line """"" and her head was twisting too """ Hahahahaha al B*t*hs do. Dt na

  2. Come on,at least once in a while let bey get u bey muahhh *smile


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