Tuesday, September 23, 2014

What Now? Ghost Writer Claims Beyonce Doesn't Write Her Songs Herself.(Read)

I really can't comprehend what is going on anymore. First it was Drake who doesn't write his songs by himself. After that, the attention shifted to celebs Nude pictures. Now, Beyoncé is the next victim of artists that do not write their songs themselves. Well, who cares if she does or doesn't?

In an interview with Noisey, Shi Wisdom opened up about writing for Drake, and that it wasn’t a big deal with artistes writing their songs by themselves, as even Bey never wrote her songs herself.

 “To be honest with you, who cares if he doesn’t write his own stuff? It’s very evident that he’s an intelligent business person. Who in this industry writes their stuff all the time? I don’t know anybody who writes their stuff all the time that is a big artist, not one person. When you go into these meetings with these labels they tell you who is looking for songs, and it’s a bunch of people who you thought wrote their own songs.” 

 “Everybody has writers, everybody has a team of people to put it together. Some of these people do write some of their songs, but do you really believe that Nicki Minaj writes all of her songs, with no help? To be a songwriter on a song all you have to do is contribute one word. By the time the “R.I.P.” record I did with Drake was finished, six writers including myself and him touched that song. That wasn’t the plan, but that’s what happens: Somebody comes in and says, “instead of saying ‘boy’ say ‘you.’” Now they’re a writer on the song, but that’s access. For the longest time BeyoncĂ© didn’t write any of her records. I personally still don’t believe she’s written any of her records.”    

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