Thursday, October 16, 2014

Lol! Personal Experience? Lynxx Sends PSA To Ladies With Smelling Hair.

If you are that lady with the smelling hair, that Lynxx had an encounter with, you better read this carefully. Lol!

Nigerian Artist Lynxx, shared a Public Service Announcement to all ladies out there, about their hair. And from his statement, it seemed Lynxx was talking from experience.

"Morning! PSA: Ladies please always wash ur hair and advice ur homegirls to do d same! πŸ™ŠπŸ™ˆ #AintNothingSexyAboutAsmellingWeaveWigEtc #ThatShitsRightNextToBo #ItReducesUrSexyFromA100ToA0 #RealQuick #OnBehalfOfTheBeardGang #PleaseSayNoToASmellingWeave #ThanksForComing #Offkess πŸ‘ŠπŸ˜πŸšΏπŸšΏπŸ›€πŸ›€πŸ›€πŸ›€πŸšΏπŸšΏπŸšΏπŸšΏ"

#AdviceYourHomeGirl. OAB female readers Sandra Odua and Blogger's mum, you see that? Haha!


  1. Hahahahaha I don't blame u n d Lynx al d same I Roger dat well

  2. Lmaooo....but true though...I hate d smell too


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