Friday, July 11, 2014

Leaked: MediaTakeOut exposes Rihanna's message to Chris Brown.

 Lol! MediaTakeOut has released a message that was allegedly sent to Chris Brown by Rihanna while they were still dating. MediaTakeOut says, Chris Brown actually sent the message to his Buddie, letting him know how demanding Riri was in their relationship, and why they can't come back.

 I know Rihanna is crazy, but for some reasons I just don't believe she typed that. She strikes me like someone who would rather spend her time putting crazy outfits together, instead of Nagging for attention.

 Well, MediaTakeOut said the message is 100% confirmed, though they had to take out sender name. Read message below...

Message content:

It's now over 2 hours since I talked to you.
I'm here sittin WAITIN on your phonecall, like a FOOL!!!! And still you have not even charged your phone yet!!!!
Don't you care about me Chris? Or am I just a, whenever u get around to me thing???? Cos that's how the f*ck I feel!!!
I always have to BEG for your time, WHY??????????? This is so WACK to me. You are really being a wack nigga to me right now.
I thought about you the entire flight, and couldn't wait til I got off to talk to you! And this is what I get! Why are you such a WACK boyfriend! Its like it doesn't even matter to you, or cross your mind.
Why would you purposely put me thru this. KNOWING that I really want to talk to you?????
You are so ugly inside, you're a horrible person!!!

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