Thursday, August 7, 2014

SAD!!! Nick Cannon And Mariah Carey Are Divorced.

I feel like crying non stop :( . These two were the only celebrity couple I could brag about come rain or shine. Well, nothing is perfect afterall. According to MediaTakeOut, Nick and Mariah have decided to go their separate ways.

" is EXTREMELY SAD to announce that Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey are separated, according to a person close to the couple.

Nick and Mariah were CLEARLY one of our favorite couples. Despite all the RUMORS AND THE ISH IN THE GOSSIP papers, these two really loved each other.

So what happened between the two? Well it's NOT clear - but it was NOT cheating. The insider explained, "Nick completely adored Mariah, he would NEVER cheat on her."

We're told that Nick is now staying in a hotel and has flown his GRANDPARENTS in to help support him through the difficult time. Expect an OFFICIAL announcement by the end of the week.  "

Can someone please lend me a shoulder to cry on?

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